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Mother's Day Out

Mother’s Day Out Program Information

Mother’s Day Out Waiting List –




  • Provide a safe, nurturing atmosphere.

  • Provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences.

  • Provide support to families, encouraging involvement and open honest communication while using tact and discretion.

  • Foster independence in decision-making and accountability for decisions.

  • Develop social skills.

  • Develop language skills and intellectual skills through hands-on participation.


Currently our program age groups are all full but we are very happy to add your child to our wait list.  We have a waitlist from birth to 5yrs old.

Age groups are based on your child DOB to align with the school ages.

2-3 yr olds

3-4 yr olds

4-5 yr olds


Our program is on Monday and Wednesday during the school year.

Drop off is 8:15 am

Pick up is 2:15 pm


We work on learning the alphabet, colors, shapes, numbers, days of the week and months of the year. 

We also do a letter of the week type program utilizing the letter in a craft each week along with a worksheet.  When time allows we also do other activities and crafts.  



Before MDO - BISD accepts admission of a child, the following must be obtained:

  • Enrollment form (It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to keep the original registration packet current and to notify MDO (in writing) of any changes)

  • Emergency medical authorization

  • Immunization records (If a child is not up to date on their shots, they will not be able to attend the MDO program)

  • Tuition - Must be paid at the 1st of each Year, Semester, Month or Week. Cash or Check only

  • Signed Parent Agreement


Fees and Payment 

Tuition is $25 per day.  You are responsible for payment of monthly tuition regardless of your child’s attendance in order to keep your child’s spot in the MDO Program.  

Payment is due at the beginning of the day, week or month. Make checks payable to BISD – MDO. 


Rules and Regulations

  • The MDO program is Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:15 am to 2:15 pm.  

NO child may be dropped off before 8:10 am and MUST be picked up by 2:20 pm.

  • Please do not send your child if he/she has been ill (with or without a fever) or has any symptoms of COVID-19.  

  • Must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school.

  • Contact MDO if your child will be missing school and the nature of why they will be missing.

  • MDO will follow all rules with regards to COVID-19 and those listed in the BISD Return to School Plan.

  • If your child becomes ill during school hours, we will contact you for arrangements to be made to have him/her picked up.  If we cannot get in contact with you then your emergency contacts will be called.

  • If your child misses more than four days in a row without written notification, he/she will be dropped from the program and another child will be given the opportunity to come to the program.