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Checking out Students with Raptor

  • Parents/Guardians/Authorized adults must present a valid ID
  • Students must be checked out through the Raptor system. 
  • If an unauthorized individual attempts to check out a student who is not on the Ascender checkout list, staff will immediately call one of the parents listed in Ascender.
  • Parents must keep the Right to Transport list updated in Ascender.
  • Please contact the campus registrar if someone plans to pick up the student early. 
  • Student Tardies
    • Students who arrive after the Tardy Bell will receive a tardy badge. This system will create tardy alerts, and there will be consequences for repeating Tardy offenders.

Raptor Visitor Management

  • Raptor is a visitor management system that enhances school security by reading a visitor's driver’s license (or other approved government-issued ID), comparing information against a sex offender database to alert school administrators and District police if a match is found. Once cleared through the system, a visitor badge is produced that includes a photo, name of the visitor, date & time, and destination. The Raptor system is designed to permanently replace paper sign-in.

  • Raptor compares government-issued ID information to a database that contains registered sex offenders from 50 states as well as customized flags placed into Raptor by specific schools. In the event of a match, Raptor alerts school officials.

  • Raptor enhances and automates visitor management. By proactively alerting personnel to certain potential threats, Raptor allows school administrators and, at times the School Resource Officer, to take appropriate steps to keep our students, employees, and visitors safe. For approved visitors, the system prints visitor badges that include the visitor’s name, photo, date, and destination. Those badges enable personnel within the building to quickly determine if visitors are in areas where they should, or should not be.

  • The safety of our students and staff is our highest priority. Raptor will provide a consistent, standardized system to track visitors and volunteers. This is especially useful during emergencies to know who is on campus. The system quickly prints visitor badges that include a photo, the name of the visitor, time & date, and destination.

  • Raptor is able to scan all U.S. government-issued licenses, identification cards, concealed handgun licenses, Matrícula consular ID cards, permanent resident cards, active military cards, and passport ID cards (not the full passport).

  • Raptor is only scanning the visitor’s name, date of birth, photo, and the last four digits from their ID card for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders and any private alerts at the school, such as restraining/ custody orders. Additional personal data will not be gathered and no data will be shared with any outside company or organization.

  • Visitors without a government-issued ID will be required to either return with a valid ID or provide their last name, first name, and date of birth for manual entry into raptor.

  • No. After the first scanning at each campus, the office staff would simply find the visitor’s name in the system (first or last name look-up) and use the record of the previously-scanned ID to sign the visitor in and print a visitor’s badge. This makes check in much easier after the initial visit. The school receptionist is able to view the ID card picture in Raptor to make a visual verification of the person signing in.

  • The checkout process doesn’t involve scanning the card again. The receptionist will simply find the name of the person who is signing out and click a 'sign out' button. This provides a record of entry and departure and time on any campus. The visitor badge should be returned to the receptionist and destroyed.

  • No identified visitor with a positive sex offender 'hit' will be permitted onto the campus. The administrator on duty or security personnel will be instantly notified.

  • No, this process is only for persons wishing to enter the campus past the reception desk.


Silent Panic Alert



BluePoint Silent Panic Alert

Blanco ISD remains steadfast in its commitment to prioritizing the safety of our students, families, and staff. In line with this dedication, the district has been awarded a safety grant to implement the BluePoint Silent Panic Alert System across our facilities. BluePoint Alert is an advanced emergency response system, utilizing pull stations similar to fire alarm pull stations, mobile notification devices, and strategically placed strobe lights within our school buildings. In an emergency, activation of a pull station or mobile panic button triggers immediate communication of the threat via text and phone to emergency personnel, building staff, and district administration. This announcement informs occupants to initiate lockdown procedures and ensure their safety. Moreover, the prominent blue strobe lights installed on the exterior of the buildings and within large common areas such as gyms and cafeterias serve as visible alerts to visitors, preventing them from entering a facility under threat. Through implementing the BluePoint Alert systems, Blanco ISD is taking proactive steps to enhance our school community's safety and security measures.


Parent Resources 

Click to view the Parent Resource Page