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Strategies For Success - Texas History

Texas History

Classroom Rules, Procedures, and Strategies for Success


A student’s first priority at Blanco Middle School is to receive the best education possible. Academics come first!  The following rules and procedures will be enforced in my classroom.


All rules in the Student Handbook apply:


  1. Always be on time!
  2. Follow directions the first time they are given. Be a leader!
  3. Dress neatly and follow the school dress code.
  4. Bring all books and materials to class.
  5. Be in your seat and prepared to work BEFORE the bell rings.
  6. Respect the people and furnishings of this classroom.
  7. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.
  8. Take good notes and keep an organized notebook.
  9. Raise your hand to answer, or to ask a question.
  10. Never prepare to leave before the end of class.


Severe disruptions: Student will be sent immediately to the office.


Strategies for Success:

1. Attend Class Everyday / Be on Time!

2. Have a positive attitude!

3. Always do your BEST!

4. Turn ALL work in on time!




“Be the hardest worker with the best attitude!”