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TEA Accountability Rating

Posted Date: 08/22/2019

TEA Accountability Rating

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has released its 2019 state accountability ratings for approximately 1,200 school districts and charter schools. Blanco ISD earned an A rating overall and an A in all three areas measured: student achievement, school progress, and closing the gaps.  


Superintendent Clay Rosenbaum is CELEBRATING today after finding out this additional exciting news.  Mr. Rosenbaum said, “BISD was ONE of only 12 districts in Region 13 without any TEA required interventions!  I was in a room with a lot of other Districts. These Districts were getting folders with information pertaining to improvement plans for this year.  When I received Blanco’s Folder, it was EMPTY!”


We are very proud of the hard work of our students, and the dedication of our staff that led to outstanding results. #pantherpride #blancoengage


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Blanco ISD
814 Eleventh Street
Blanco, Texas 78606

7:30am  – 4:00pm 

Phone: 830-833-4414
Fax: 830-833-2019

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