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Free Breakfast and Lunch

Posted Date: 08/18/2021

Free Breakfast and Lunch


That all students eat FREE for breakfast and lunch    

When your child comes through the cafeteria line and picks up a reimbursable meal

WAIT!!! …. what’s a reimbursable meal you ask?.....

A reimbursable meal consist of protein, grain, fruit, vegetable and milk

Your child must pick at least 3 or all 5 of those items but one must be a fruit or a vegetable to make that a reimbursable meal. Easy Peasy Right???

PLUS ….. That delicious, hot meal is  for you child


Why should my family take advantage of this?????

1. They are and help stretch your household food budget

2. They save you time from your busy schedule in preparing your child’s breakfast or lunch.

3. They make the school day seem a little more normal and who can’t use a little normal these days

4. They help support Blanco ISD school breakfast and Lunch program

5. They are delicious, nutritious, fun and convenient

6. They are  for all children through the end of the school year.