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Gifted and Talented

Gifted and Talented-Blanco ISD

Blanco ISD Goal for Services for Gifted/Talented Students:

We believe Gifted and Talented (GT) students possess the potential for self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication, as evidenced by innovative products and performances reflecting individuality, creativity, and intellectual ability more advanced than the majority of students of the same age or grade. 

Therefore, we will endeavor to provide services to develop their potential. 

Identification & Assessment Process:

To be considered for potential placement in gifted services, a student must be referred for testing to be considered for potential placement in gifted services. A referral can be completed by a parent, teacher, counselor, administrator, or student. Once a referral is submitted, students undergo the screening and placement process, including quantitative and qualitative assessments. The results of the data generated through the referral process are reviewed by the campus/district screening and placement committee. The committee comprises GT-trained professional staff, not less than 3, who will make placement decisions. 

Universal Screening:

Students are given the NWEA MAP test in grades K-12. The results of students in Kindergarten, 2nd, 4th, and 6th are reviewed by district staff who will refer any student who demonstrates a higher level of performance in relation to their peers. A universal screener is an assessment given to the entire group, not just those referred for screening. These scores are reviewed, and referral recommendations are made for students who meet specified criteria—universal screening intends to include, not to exclude, students from the process. Every effort is made to identify equitably, promote inclusivity for all populations, and ensure our demographic in gifted and talented services mirrors that of our district when reviewing students for possible referral.  

Program Design

Blanco ISD offers a flexible system of viable program options throughout the district that provides a learning continuum and reinforces the strengths, needs, and interests of gifted and talented students. The district provides an array of learning opportunities that are commensurate with the abilities of gifted/talented students, and that emphasize content in the four (4) core academic areas (English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies). Teachers responsible for the delivery of services will have thirty (30) hours of foundation training as well as six (6) hours of annual updates. 

  • Services will be available during the school day throughout the entire school year.
  • Program options will enable students to work together as a group; work with other students; and work independently as a direct result of GT program services.
  • Flexible grouping patterns and pacing will be employed to meet the needs of gifted and talented students.
  • Local Board policies are developed that are consistent with State Board of Education rules on credit by examination and early high school graduation opportunities.  

Gifted program services are delivered in a variety of ways. In all cases, students who are identified for gifted services may experience some or all types of support. teachers have met the state-mandated training for providing gifted services. This training prepares them to support the social and emotional needs and curriculum differentiation of their students. 

Click here to review our District GT Handbook

Blanco ISD GT Calendar 2024-2025

GT Nomination Referral Window

December 2-20


Referral Window

A student can be referred for screening at any grade level, Kindergarten through 12th grade. To refer your student/child, please complete the three following documents. 


GT Referral Form 

GT Parent Permission to Test

GT Parent Williams Scale


Screening Timeline

January- March- Students will be given quantitative and qualitative assessments which will be used to generate a profile for each student for the district or campus screening and placement committee to review and make placement decisions. 

March- Placement decisions are finalized for Kindergarten students no later than March 1st. Services for newly identified kindergarten students will begin immediately following identification. 

*Placement decisions are finalized for students in grades 1-12th and families are notified of results. For newly identified students in 1st-12th grades, services will begin with identification.